Loving Urgency, the new CD by Nathasja van Rosse!
How happy I am to present my new Cd to you all. After a long not-wanted and not-intended pause, it is an amazing pleasure not only to play on an even better level than before, but to capture the joy of that in writing my own music as well. Therefor this CD is one that really has the love and urgency to get out there to you all, to communicate and say; hello, I love to share my music with you, and express everything I cannot put into words to you. As sharing is what makes life worthwhile!
So, here it is, packed into a lovely cover made by the fantastic photographer/designer Manfred Pollert and recorded with the best producer-engineer; Peter Finger in Osnabrück.
My interest in various styles of music (and art in general) are clearly represented in the program of this Cd. The Invierno Porteno by Astor Piazzolla is probably the most “to be expected” piece on it as for those of you who know me well, Piazzolla and specifically this piece is a big love of mine. Other than this I found myself in the untamable romantic soul of Luise Walker and Jan Depreter whose pieces are true paintings of music. On a total different category but greatly connecting to me as well, Florian Paliers Sonatine gives me the musical language both of the past and the future in a mixture of jazz (almost rocky I’d say), church tonality and ethnical elements. What a masterpiece it is. Yet another contrast are the movie-like dreamy tunes by Damien Mc. Cluskey, paintings again but in an extremely dreamy contemplative way, typical for today, where we tend to go inside, to forget about the discomfort that Covid brings to us and our beloved ones. Last but hopefully not least, my 3 @muses, little sketches of my experience during the first ever Lockdown in my life, power from long-gone times and hope for the future, it is all in there in different ways of musical expression. Currents Jiving is one of my last written pieces (summer of 21) and again another story, experimenting “on the edge” with my classical guitar to combine what my ears heard, and my heart felt, loving so many artists and styles of music. I even had to invent “how the ….” I could play what I wanted to play…….as steel-string, pop, and modern-classic had to come out in this piece.
A long story short; I truly hope and wish that this music-baby finds its way to a joyful part of your heart and that you can enjoy it as much as I did, resembling it.
The worldwide release via Acoustic Music Records is the 18th of February 22 via all digital channels and online shops available.
A precious little of 25 is already in my possession and is for sale RIGHT NOW and to be ordered via the button below.
I look forward to playing it for you in concert and with the release of it “bubbles” for more come to surface so; I’ll go on!