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Into my strings again and on to my first ever online concert it is!

2020 would be my year I had put on my wall with big letters in my studio. A new CD, a tour in Germany, traveling the “world” again after 10 years of involuntary silence….

I went straight ahead the first couple of months of the year with amazing musical encounters, even talking to some well-known artist about the plans coming-up. A new guitar was being built, the car checked for long travels through Europe…. How I had looked forward and how well it all went!

7th February I joined my best friend in a concert in the “old Luxor” hall in Rotterdam for a concert and felt a strange vibe in the public. The excitement of is this the last concert I will hear in a long time…?” as several people coughed severely. Of course one of them sitting right next to me (as soon as there is “something” to catch it happens to me normally…. ;-). Luckily not this time! And indeed, a week later all theaters were closed!

I decided that 2020 would not be the number (year) to be on my new CD. And then? How do you keep the spirit alive? I go an enormous urgency to write, composing music, text writing, Poetry….. It seemed the Muse really woke up! Like old times when I still had long summers to withdraw myself in warm countries and beautiful places to just devote myself to writing and letting my thoughts wander on gorgeous terraces near oceans, with a little blanket on the beach or in the mountains……. Funny enough the same thing happened to me now, while speed was away from daily life, isolation again turned into creativity…. What a joy!

2021 will definitely DO come as a year on my CD and the pieces that I wrote in the meantime also. Also, the Tour this fall will take place and  I will be again on the life-path that belongs with me. Enough isolation, enough written down, it’s time to make new memories and find new inspiration! Contact!

And this new time, my dear people, will start the 29th of May in my first-ever-online concert (live-stream). There I will premiere my own pieces, bring along some of my Poetry and serve it in a program from now and the past. I call it With a touch….”

How will it be? What does it feel to play online? Am  I still able to perform? Will you like my new musical ways? All of that I will experience with you……..

A sneak preview was posted today on YouTube

The concert is being organized by and through this link you’ll be able to join live next week Saturday the 29th via Zoom.

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